The Long Term Care Survey Phase 3

Image of the book cover for 'The Long Term Care Survey Phase 3'
Author: AHCA
Publisher: American Health Care Association
Publication Date: 2023
ISBN 10: 1792395825
ISBN 13: 9781792395826
eISBN: 9780111047019
Edition: 2nd
In February 2023, CMS issued revisions to Phase 3 of The Long Term Care Survey, which are included in AHCA's newly updated Long Term Care Survey, Phase 3, Second Edition available now! Changes to the new version of the manual include: List of Revised F-TAGS, which was not part of CMS's advanced copy release in 2022. Updates and Links to Exhibits of Survey Forms Updates and Corrections to Appendix PP State Operations Manual - Guidance to Surveyors for LTC Facilities (includes revision number, issue date, effective date, and implementation date). Updates to the State Operations Manual, Chapter 7: Survey and Enforcement Process for Skilled Nursing Facilities and Nursing Facilities Updates to the Long Term Care Survey Process (LTCSP) Procedure Guide
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